There are currently fifty-three tourism operations in the Whitefeather Forest. Most of these operations are remote and designed to appeal to the sport fishing and hunting market. These operations include ten outpost camps and a campground operated by Pikangikum members.
Vision for Tourism:
World-class tourism opportunities, including the development of new internationally attractive eco-cultural tourism opportunities and partnerships, that feature and support the protection of the Planning Area as an indigenous cultural landscape and are part of the northern boreal forest, which sustain the culture of Beekahncheekahmeeng aymahteeseewahch and contribute to their economic renewal.
Determining New Enterprise Opportunities in Tourism:
We believe that our cultural landscape and our culture provide the best basis for new tourism opportunities. As an example, the Whitefeather Forest has many landforms that are seen as provincially significant to Ontario.
These landforms, such as the Backbone of the Land, also have deep significance to our people. There are ancient and powerful teachings and stories about their significance which have value today, including for people who live in large cities. These stories can help visitors gain a profound appreciation for the Whitefeather Forest. Pikangikum Elders believe that there are many potential visitors near and far who would be very interested to receive these teachings.
It is our intention to develop renowned eco-cultural touring in the Whitefeather Forest.
- Enterprise Vision
- Customary Land Uses
- Commercial Forestry
- Non-Timber Forest Products
- Tourism
- Minerals
- Whitefeather Forest Community Resource Management Authority
- UNESCO World Heritage Site Project
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